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Studying and gaining knowledge easily through hypnosis

Art.Nr.: MP3-29
Studying and gaining knowledge easily through hypnosis
Studying and gaining knowledge easily through hypnosis
29,90 EUR
Endpreis nach § 19 UStG.
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Are you feeling strained and tensed up during studying? Is studying a malady to you? Do you find it hard to reproduce or to retrieve in tests what you've learned before? The title "Studying and gaining knowledge easily through hypnosis" reflects its program! Study in a totally relaxed way from now on - and retrieve sovereignly what you've studied!

This hypnosis by Michael Bauer will instruct you in a direct and an indirect way to grasp the meaningfulness of studying in a pleasant way. In the state of trance, you will be adapting a certain simplicity and ease of studying and you will be programmed to retrieve and apply the studied knowledge in a sovereign way! Therefore, study and examination stress is a thing of the past! Listen to this hypnosis over the period of two to three weeks, (possibly) daily. This way the positive effect on your studying and examinations will set in soon. Afterwards it isn't necessary to listen to the hypnosis again - and you may turn towards another title, if you like to.

Preview of this hypnosis-download:

You get this hypnosis as mp3-download.

Michael Bauer
Hinter der Veste 2
D - 92224 Amberg
E-mail: kontakt@hypnose-cd-download.com

(Keine Anwendung bei sehr niedrigem Blutdruck, Herz,-Kreislauferkrankungen, Anfallskrankheiten wie z.B. Epilepsie oder Asthma oder/und schwerwiegenden psychischen Krankheiten und allen Aktivitäten, welche Ihre volle Aufmerksam erfordern, wie zum Beispiel Autofahren).

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Studying and gaining knowledge easily through hypnosis
29,90 EUR
Endpreis nach § 19 UStG.